Star Bomber - Play this Free Online Game which is a bomber game, shoot em up game, space and all free games on Fupa Games

Star Bomber a free online game from Fupa

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About Star Bomber Game

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Date: 8/18/2010 10:22:00 PM
Category: Action Games
Description: Sometime in the future... In a galaxy not too far from here... The Freedom Alliance is in the final throws of an epic battle with the evil galactic dictator Zarxis... The Freedom Alliance has at great human cost obtained blue-prints of Zarxis' ultimate weapon, dubbed the "Deconstructors", they are able to destroy entire planets with their formidable weaponary... The alliance is relying on you, Duke Flystalker, to use your elite piloting skills and your ability to tap into the cosmic harmonics by feeling "The Source", in order to attempt a series of daring bombing runs, destroying the "Deconstructors" and thus freeing humanity from Zarxis' evil rule of tyranny... This game is free.
Other Games: Star Bomber
Developer: asimilon
Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Star Bomber.

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