Oliver & the Basilisks - Play this Free Online Game which is a RPG game, basilisk game, basilisks game, board game game, challenging game, daleks game, difficult game, fantasy game, game modes game, high score game, intelligent game, mage game, magic game, puzzle game, retro game, robots and all free games on Fupa Games

Oliver & the Basilisks a free online game from Fupa

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About Oliver & the Basilisks Game

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Date: 10/21/2010 1:22:00 AM
Category: BoardGame Games
Description: The sorcerer's apprentice, Oliver, was experimenting with his master's spell book while he was away. Oliver wanted to try to summon a basilisk, but got a few words wrong and ended up summoning EVERY basilisk. In the entire world. Now Oliver has to try to clear out the tower as best he can before his master gets back! The mechanics of this game are based on the early computer game "Robots," but significantly expanded and enhanced by the addition of 3, 6 or 12 (depending on game mode) spells to choose from. What will you do when the basilisks have you cornered? Teleport to safety? Take them on with Distintegrate? Gamble with an Earthquake spell? The more efficiently you clear each level, the better the rewards you'll get for the next level... and you'll need them, because each level has more and more basilisks to be disposed of! Magic Spirits and Golems complicate matters even further. This is a retro, arcade-style game; there is no ending, or "win" condition. The objective is to progress as far as you can, and strive for higher and higher scores. There is both a local (personal) high score table, and the option to submit your score to Mochi Scores to compete globally! This game is free.
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Other Games: Oliver & the Basilisks
Developer: xopods
Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Oliver & the Basilisks.

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